Weekly Goals, Week 1 [Jan. 2-8]

Current Facebook Status: and so Day 2 begins like Day 1 and Day 365 did. Up with a 3yo who refuses to go back to sleep /sigh/. This time he was asleep until the smoke alarm went off from the fireplace. /more sighs/ On the upside, lunch with Chris, Laura and Sarah tomorrow! Er, today.
Currently Playing in the Background: Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Road Rally [but the 3yo is now asleep so maybe it’s time to change it…]

I’m a winner!  I’m a winner!  I won a 5 page critique over at Seekerville.  I think they may be one of the top five fabulous things to happen to me last year – would be higher, but I got diamonds and sapphires for Christmas, got to see my BFF for the first time in 8 years and Christopher survived a potentially life threatening incident.  So top 5 it is.  I have emailed my first 5 pages off to the lovely ladies and I’m told I should have it back no later than next Saturday. =D

And I got to see old friends today.  I haven’t seen Chris in probably 7 years or so but have known her since I was a kid.  Her daughters are about the same age as me and my sister so we were friends when we went to church together.  She knew my mom.  After Matt met her the first time, she’ll forever be known as ‘the woman who hugged Matt at the mall’ ;).

But on to the point of today’s post:

Goals for Week 1 [Jan. 2-8]:

1.     Do Bible Study at least twice
2.    Blog – including at least one Julie review
3.    Lose 2 lbs
4.    Exercise at least 2 days
5.    Finish edits on Unbreak Her Heart
6.    Email to editor who requested it
7.    Finish Bliss, read Mary Connealy’s next one