NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 4 or A Spoonful of Sugar

I’ve been posting around midnight rather than trying to remember during the day and forgetting.

Except I forgot at midnight last nigh… er, this morning ;).

I did get a call about 615 this morning to sub at my kiddos’ school. I was the music teacher. Because I know soooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much about music :D.

Seriously, though – I love my kids’ school. I purposely get there super early when I sub there because I *know* it’ll take me 10 minutes [or more!] to get to my classroom. Poked my head in the library and said hello to the librarian. I stopped and talked with the speech teacher and made an appointment to talk about the 6yo and talked about when we’re going to talk about the 8yo. Talked with the reading teacher – mostly about the 6yo [who is quite serious about wanting a “ticket” to her wedding next summer ;)].

Got to the locked classroom. Stuck my stuff with the art sub, went back to the reading teacher [who doesn’t have a master key], then found the nurse who does.

So it was more like 15 minutes.

Breakfast duty [which apparently I didn’t really have – I missed the “first quarter only” note on the schedule] and a big hug from the vice principal as she walked in from drop off line duty. Morning was “prep” time so I did edits on my laptop. I did LOTS of edits yesterday at Panera. I also wrote some on the NaNo project.

This afternoon, I had my favorite 1st grader [yes, I know – not supposed to play favorites – but I gave him half his DNA], kindergarten [the teacher LOVES that 1st grader too ;)], and second grade.

We watched Mary Poppins. Or rather I watched through the penguin dance three times. So now I’m watching it with two of my kids at home :D.

Other manuscript:90736
New: 2244
Official NaNo total: 2072
Today [or rather yesterday/Sunday]: 1657

Look for another post sometime after midnight.