COTT Affiliates by Delia Latham
by Delia Latham
Christine and Pamela!

What’s her blog like? Christine wants her blog to be somewhere a reader can find a true inspirational story to encourage their faith. For example, on her blog she has in book-length the entire story of her experience as a birthmother. From the moment she found out she was pregnant, to the relinquishment of her child, and to their reunion 20 years later.
Do not miss this testimony. Her birth-daughter, Sarah, modeled for the cover of Shadowed in Silk. Take a look at how it all came together—it’s well worth the read.
I asked Christine who she is outside the realm of writing and publication and all that jazz.
“I am so ordinary, it’s hilarious. I used to be an administrative assistant, going off to work in suits, high heels and makeup. Now that I’m following the labor of my heart (writing) I work in my home office and wear the closest thing I can get to pajamas—sweat pants and a sweat shirt.
“But there are times I have to go out and leave my beloved laptop behind along with my cat. Then I slap on some mascara, whip a comb through my hair, put on some decent slacks and head out the door with a cup of tea in my hands. I can drive with one hand and drink my tea with the other.”
What “ordinary”? That’s multi-tasking!
Why is she willing to give COTT space on her blog every other week?
What “ordinary”? That’s multi-tasking!
Why is she willing to give COTT space on her blog every other week?
I find the COTT alliance an energetic group of writers that inspire me. I love the fun and camaraderie with the clashes,” she said. “And it gets the word out to readers of all the great Christian fiction that’s available. They are a great group of people to be affiliated with. I consider it an honor.”
The feeling is entirely mutual!
The feeling is entirely mutual!
Book trailer
Meet Pamela S. Thibodeaux:

Website address:
A great big welcome to Blog Alliance Partner Pamela S. Thibodeau. We’re so pleased to have her aboard.
I asked this author and blogger where she finds inspiration for her blog, Pamela S. Thibodeaux—Blog.
“I must admit that, personally, I’m pretty burned out on topics…but I love showcasing other authors on Saturday Spotlight and hosting their virtual book tours. This helps me fill in when I can think of nothing to talk about. LOL!”
Honesty…I love it! (Also really glad to know I’m not the only blogger with this kind of problem…)
I’m always interested in why our Blog Alliance members choose to be members. Here’s Pam’s reason:
“I believe in what COTT is doing and frankly, any website that helps promote Christian authors—especially those who are new, unknown, small press or independently published—is a place I try to support. Doing regular posts for COTT helps me do just that.”
Pamela’s newest release, The Visionary, is an absolutely wonderful book, one I can whole-heartedly recommend. Without being offensively graphic, it deals with some pretty heavy issues of child abuse and its aftermath.
What are some of the challenges you face as an author?
The biggest challenge I face is not having my work accepted by the “Christian” publishers. As one reviewer said, “Though undeniably Christian, it is never dogmatic or insular; offering faith rather than religion.” (From Elizabeth Burton’s review of Tempered Dreams for Blue Iris Journal) My books deal with issues in a way that is unacceptable in the traditional CBA market. Now that is not saying that my books are better than those published through traditional CBA publishers, only different. As I’ve said many times, everything that gives God glory deserves to be praised!
So true. And all I can think to say in response is a very sincere, “Amen!”