Category Archives: Reviews

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 16 or Another Real Productive Day


Did you note the sarcasm?

The second half of the title oozes it. Just FYI.

I was a “building aide” today at one of the school’s in our district. It wasn’t a hard day, though I was on my feet a lot more than I usually am and they hurt :/. By the time I made an uber-fast and necessary stop at Wal-Mart, I made it home about 30 seconds AFTER the school bus. More sighing. The 10yo’s birthday shindig was tonight [here for cake/presents then dinner/mini-golf with 2 of her friends]. One of the moms called while I was leaving a voice mail for the dentist [yeah – voice mail saying they have the wrong ins. info]. She asked if she could drop her kiddo off about an hour early.

Not a problem. Honest. Just didn’t get other stuff done that I’d planned. Let the kids play outside for a while. Then the other kiddo showed up. Cake. Presents. 12yo to a friend’s house for a sleepover. Meet hubs at the restaurant to drop off the 10yo/friends – because his work-day-trip to STL went long and he got back over an hour later than anticipated. Wal-Mart to get dinner for the other kiddos and a movie store to get a DVD.

THEN a chance to sit.


I’ve written a smidge. That’s not much. At all. I need a HUGE day tomorrow. Like 5K or more. It’s theoretically possible…


NaNoWriMo today: 90
NaNoWriMo total: 6730
NaNoWriMo deficit: 18275
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 2705
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 2/20/2014

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 15 or Halfway Done? HA!

I’m so blessedly far from half done it’s pretty pathetic.

BUT that other project is done and out of my hands.

I’d say it’s in God’s hands now, but the reality is, it’s been there all along.

I have several times set up in the next few days when I should be able to rock the word count. Right now, according to NaNoWriMo’s handy dandy calculator, I should finish right around Valentine’s Day.

By the end of the weekend, I hope to have that down to sometime this year.

I’m subbing tomorrow as a building aide. I’ll take the AlphaSmart and see what I can get done during my lunch break, etc. I’ve not worked in this building before.

NaNoWriMo today: 529
NaNoWriMo total: 6640
NaNoWriMo behind: 16698

[This is being written late on Thursday night. But I’m wiped out. So I’ll save it and post it when I wake up in the morning…]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 14 or Done?

Done? Could it be?!

The “other manuscript” I’ve been trying to complete is just that. COMPLETE! The proposal is done and waiting on a critter to look over one revised paragraph and then it’s good to go as well.



That means I can focus on NaNo! FINALLY! Didn’t get as much done as I’d hoped today but at least I’m ready to focus on it :). I have three lectures left to give this semester and a test two days before Thanksgiving. I’m subbing on Friday but taking my AlphaSmart with me and hopefully will get at least some words in then. We’ll see.

Regardless, having this SO CLOSE to done [and really, out of my hands at the moment anyway] is a HUGE weight off my shoulders.

NaNoWriMo today: 1105 [so far]
NaNoWriMo total: 6111

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 13 or A Chance to Win With Julie Lessman!

Busy day today – working/teaching. Going through the proposal [out with a critter now who wants to look it over again tomorrow]. Freezing my fingers off.


I’m so stinkin’ far behind it’s not even funny. According to the handy dandy little calculator thing on the NaNo website, I should finish about the end of February. February 28 to be precises, if I continue at my current rate. And by finish we mean 50K not the manuscript.

And since I want to be done WAY before then, it’s time to pick up the pace. Starting tomorrow. I’m going to build a fire [it’s COLD] and go to town while waiting on the last [dear God, please, last!] crits to come in.

In the meantime, I did pass a milestone today…

NaNoWriMo today: 508
NaNoWriMo total: 5008

And while you’re here, pop on over for your chance to win on Julie Lessman’s page.

Because she rawks.

And so does A Light in the Window.

You can find all the deets over on her Journal Jots. Check it out! If you buy either version of the book, let me know so I can claim credit for getting someone else to ;). Watch the video too. And like it. And let me know you did so I can get points for that too :D.

Here’s hoping it’s after midnight so I can post this sucker and go to bed – and still have it count for tomorrow ;).

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 12 or Is It DONE?!

And the answer is… maybe.



think the last additions are done and they’re off to a critter to make sure there’s no glaring errors. I’m working on polishing up the proposal.


NaNoWriMo today: 46
NaNoWriMo total: 4500
Other manuscript today: 1438
Manuscript total: 92542

The NaNo totals are pretty pathetic. I admit it. But I’m planning to take Wednesday off, build a fire [cold front, you know] and write all day.

I can’t wait.

After I finish tweaking the proposal tomorrow, that is. 😉

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 11 or Happy Veterans’ Day

Huge, giant shout out to all the members of our military – past and present.

Beyond my thanks, you have my undying gratitude.

Since my sister took the kids last night, we got to sleep in this morning. We overslept for church but had breakfast together. After that, I worked on reading through the other MS again. I finished that and went to get my hair done. I adore my hair gal but we haven’t really had a chance to chat in a while, so I stayed longer than necessary.

Over breakfast, hubs suggested I go to Panera this afternoon to try to get this sucker done. I got a chunk of it. I have about 98 pages to go [transferring notes to the computer, but most of them are things like Oxford commas and turning “the” into “then” like it should have been all along]. I did write about 200 words in one scene and a few several sentence sections here and there. I have one scene to write tomorrow, maybe 600-1000 words. I dashed off a few sentences just now, so I could say I worked on NaNo some today…

A sick kiddo means I’ll be home all day tomorrow, though I’d already told the substitute scheduler lady I wasn’t going to be able to work – I am, however, already scheduled for Friday. Tomorrow! Tomorrow, I will get this done!

NaNoWriMo today: 165
NaNoWriMo total: 4454

Other MS today: -135 [but I deleted a 490 word chunk, so added 355 back in]
Other MS total: 91104


[That was supposed to post at 12:30 this morning… now, with two kids home, I’m glad I double checked so I didn’t miss my “post every day” for NaBloPoMo… Somehow my Day 9 post disappeared – though it was in my mail box. Hoping it still counts on the NaBloPoMo page – think I “update post” when Chrome shut down and restarted rather than made a new one… I really have blogged every day though…]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 10 or Posting From My Phone

Yep. Am out and about tonight. Sis took the kids. Hubs, BFF, and her hubs took me to Olive Garden for dinner then we watched the new Star Trek at their house.

We haven’t left yet, but I did write a bit while sitting in the car. Also read some pages today. Enough that I really think I can finish tomorrow. Then finish edits Monday. I hope.

NaNoWriMo today: 210 (still in the notes app)
NaNoWriMo total: 210 more than yesterday 😉

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 9 or “I Heard It’s My Birthday”

Admit it.

You added the ‘nananananana’ to that title.

I know I did.

But yes. Friday was my birthday. I had like 150 people say something on Facebook.

Talk about makin’ a girl feel good!

I also read some [but not nearly enough] of my manuscript, especially since I’ve passed my self-imposed deadline [though Becky Wade gave me permission to take the day off ;)].

Had an IEP meeting for the 6yo’s speech. Appt made for the 8yo’s IEP meeting [also speech]. Walmart. Bank. Cleaned up the house some. Took two younger kids to seePlanes. Not as good as CARS, but waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay better than CARS 2. It got back [or closer to] the themes/tone of CARS. Chick-fil-A for dinner with hubs and those two. My sister had taken the older two to see Thor 2. Then home. Read a few more pages and now am trying desperately to stay awake long enough to finish this :D. Kids were up at 615 or earlier…


I did get a few words in but not many. I’m ready for the other MS to be done [byMonday?! Please, Lord!] and get to this one full-time.

NaNoWriMo today: 67
NaNoWriMo total: 4078

And I still have about 4 minutes before I can post this for it to count for Saturday.


Or I could save it and post it from my phone like I did the other day.

Think I like that plan better ;).

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 8 or Procrastination Station


I admit it.

I procrastinated a lot at work today.

Like I had 3 hours in which I had nothing that I really needed to do for work except answer 3 quick emails and in those 3 hours, I read about…

20 pages.


That’s it.

I want this done. I really do.

But I’m having a really hard time with motivation.

Maybe because nearly every page has notes on it of something to change – a word choice here, a comma there, a dozen more commas in the other place, changing the name of one character that’s the same as the name of a completely different character.

And once I finish marking up the hard copy, I have to put it all on the computer.


But Laurie loved the new opening :D. Always nice to hear!

NaNoWriMo today: 266
NaNoWriMo total: 4011

And yes, I will also admit the only reason there’s any word count today is just so I have some word count. Hopefully, tomorrow will be an improvement :).

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 7 or “I’m Saved By The Bell”

Spent way too long searching for pics of my hero.

He may or may not look a lot like Zack Morris. Or how Zack Morris looked a bit later.

Alexander “a few years ago”

And Alexander “now”

Spent waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too long looking for those pics. And they still aren’t the ones I really want – especially the very late Saved by the Bell: The College Years or “Wedding in Las Vegas” ones :p.

There’s a reason why what he looked like “then” is relevant, but I won’t get into that now ;).

I subbed again today and got some reading done. Not nearly enough. Am on page 102. Only 250ish to go…

NaNoWriMo today: 62
NaNoWriMo total: 3745

And let’s face it, that’s only because I didn’t want a goose egg…

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