Category Archives: Writing

Review: Full Steam Ahead by Karen Witemeyer

Full Steam AheadNicole Renard returns home to Galveston, Texas, to find her father deathly ill. Though she loves him, Nicole’s father has always focused on what she’s not. Not male. Not married. Not able to run Renard Shipping.

Vowing to find a suitable husband to give her father the heir he desires before it’s too late, Nicole sets out with the Renard family’s greatest treasure as her dowry: the highly coveted Lafitte Dagger. But her father’s rivals come after the dagger, forcing a change in Nicole’s plans.

After a boiler explosion aboard the Louisiana nearly took his life, Darius Thornton has been a man obsessed. He will do anything to stop even one more steamship disaster. Even if it means letting a female secretary into his secluded world.

Nicole is determined not to let her odd employer scare her off with his explosive experiments, yet when respect and mutual attraction grow between them, a new fear arises. How can she acquire an heir for her father when her heart belongs to another? And when her father’s rivals discover her hiding place, will she have to choose between that love and her family’s legacy?

As always, I look ahead to the summer – hours by the pool, sleeping in, and new book by Karen Witemeyer.

As always, Karen weaves a story that is difficult to put down. The characters are multi-faceted and intriguing. The setting vivid. The historical details riveting.

Darius’s quirks and Nicole’s determination make the book difficult to put down. The bad guys are sufficiently bad without being TOO buffoony. I loved her family and the others who worked for Darius.

The only question… is it June yet? When’s the next one come out?

Or maybe I need to break out Short-Straw Bride again ;).

Overall rating: 8.5 out of 10 stars

Thanks to Karen and the publisher for a copy in exchange for my honest opinion.

Review: Bouquet of Love by Janice Thompson

Bouquet of LoveShe didn’t expect to fall in love–but roses aren’t the only thing blooming on Galveston Island

Cassia Pappas has found herself in a nearly impossible situation. She wants to spend her time immersed in her new job at a Galveston Island floral shop, arranging blooms and brightening occasions with her lovely creations. But her boisterous Greek family–especially her father–has other ideas. They’ve all relocated to Galveston to open up a new family restaurant located on the Strand–directly across the street from iconic pizza place Parma John’s–and they want Cassia’s full participation.

To make matters worse, as Cassia is trying to develop a strong professional relationship with Galveston’s premier wedding coordinator, Bella Neeley, her own father is intent on stealing all of the Rossi family’s faithful customers. Not exactly the best way to get into this former Rossi’s good graces!

Still, at least Alex, that hot delivery guy from the nursery, is always hanging around the flower shop . . .

So everyone knows I love Janice Thompson and her books!

This is the final book in the “Weddings by Design” series. First we had the photographer, then the cake designer, then the dress designer, and now the florist.

The relationship between Cassia’s Greek family and Bella’s Italian one is definitely fun! You might remember Cassia’s family from the second book in the Backstage Pass series, Hello, Hollywood. Cassia is cousin to Athena Pappas who was the head writer for the TV Show Stars Collide.

Cassia works in her family’s Greek sandwich shop but deep down, she wants to be a florist. Designing bouquets. She picks up a job at a florist down the street – only to discover that the shop belongs to a member of her father’s new archenemy’s family – the Rossis. To make matters worse, cute delivery boy Alex? Yeah – he has ties to the Rossi family as well – and not just because he delivers flowers.

With her trademark humor, Janice brings the characters and settings to life. With visits to Splendora and the Rossi house – along with appearances by Rosa and Laz – this is a not-to-be-missed summer read.

And if it’s not summer, it’s a great read anyway!

PLUS!!! Wedding by Bella book 4, That’s Amore, comes out in November. And book 1 of Janice’s new series – Brides with Style – Every Bride Needs a Groom comes out in April. You can see the new covers on Amazon :D.

Overall rating: 9 out of 10 stars

Thanks to the publisher and Janice for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

Review: In Perfect Time by Sarah Sundin


Perfect pool night! Seat in the shade, cool breeze, just enough people there for the kids to play with, and a good book!

[Okay – I hoped to have this blog up earlier this week but, well, real life interfered with me hanging out with fictional peeps :D. My kids are back at school and I’m done filling forms out in quadruplicate – at least for another year ;). So last night, I was finally able to pick up Sarah’s new book and made a good dent in it. Then tonight, this happened… and I was able to finish :). Review? Here we go!]

[I can’t get the picture of the book itself to load and link so – here’s the Amazon link…]

Bold, sophisticated, and flirtatious, Army Air Force flight nurse Lt. Kay Jobson collects hearts wherever she flies, leaving men pining in airfields all across Europe. So how can ruggedly handsome C-47 pilot Lt. Roger Cooper be all but immune to her considerable charms? In fact, he seems to do everything he can to avoid her.

Still, as they cross the skies between Italy and southern France, evacuating the wounded and delivering paratroopers and supplies, every beat of their hearts draws them closer to where they don’t want to go. Can they confront the fears and misunderstandings in their pasts?

Sarah Sundin seamlessly weaves together emotion, action, and sweet romance into a tale that transcends time and calls us to believe in the power of love.

I had such high hopes when, on page two, Sarah invoked the great Stan “the man” Musial and the St. Louis Cardinals. /big heavy sigh/It was all downhill from there. No more of my beloved Cards! 😀 But the rest of it made up for the lack of “birds on a bat.”

I read and enjoyed the first two books in this series and couldn’t wait to get this third one. Would Georgie and Hutch finally get to be together? Will he get his commission? What about Mellie and Tom? Would her father survive the war as a prisoner in the Philippines? And now… Kay and Roger.

Beautiful, flirtatious Kay. Always multiple boyfriends. Never serious with any of them.

Handsome, aloof Roger. Believes there’s two reasons for dating – having fun or getting married – and he’s interested in neither.

But God has other ideas.

Kay believes what she’d been told about God in her childhood. Roger is the one who helps her find the truth. Mellie and Georgie help, too, but it’s primarily Roger’s influence.

And the knowledge that he, too, wasn’t good enough.

Roger has a past he’s not proud of. And when Kay – and the reader – learns his tale, she realizes that if God can save Roger, surely He can redeem her as well. But Kay still struggles with her past. Not just what she’d been taught, but her lack of roots. She wants, more than anything, to be a chief nurse. To get a job at a hospital after the war and buy a house to live out her days in.

Roger has longed to be a drummer since high school – and his new boss could be the key to make it happen. His boss’s brother? Conductor of a big band out of Chicago. But deeper down, another longing begins to make itself known. Which will he choose when he has the chance after the war? Which one will lead him to Kay? Being a drummer means a life on the road and he can’t ask that of someone who never lived in one place very long. But is he really capable of following this other dream? And being a success?

When crisis strikes, can the two work together with the rest of those involved to keep everyone safe? Can the man who refuses to date and the woman who wants a family, roots overcome their personal drama to get through the tough times?

By the end of the book, there’s plenty of closure for all three couples. There was a bit more I wanted to know about Kay’s future, but overall, not nearly enough to irritate me. I would have liked a bit more of a glimpse into Roger’s head at the end, especially a few days later, but it’s still all good.

And with the end of the series*, there’s still a few loose ends – for me. What happens to a couple of the other unattached men and women? Can they ever find God – and happiness with a spouse?

But ultimately, what it comes down to in this book… is me. Struggling to hold back tears while sitting poolside.  An ache in my chest for Kay, Roger, and Kay and Roger as a potential couple. But then, Sarah gives a happy ending and it’s all worth it :).

Overall rating: 9 out of 10 stars

*I presume it’s the end of the series for a couple of reasons – I’ve not heard otherwise; most series are three books these days; the time period in which the book ends.
Thanks to the publisher for this book in exchange for my honest review.


Review: Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon

Veronica doesn’t think she’s going crazy. But why can’t anyone else see the mysterious blond boy who keeps popping up wherever she goes?

When her best friend, Mackenna, invites her to spend the summer in Scotland, Veronica jumps at the opportunity to leave her complicated life behind for a few months. But the Scottish countryside holds other plans. Not only has the imaginary kilted boy followed her to Alloway, she and Mackenna uncover a strange set of rings and a very unnerving letter from Mackenna’s great aunt—and when the girls test the instructions Aunt Gracie left behind, they find themselves transported to a land that defies explanation.

Doon seems like a real-life fairy tale, complete with one prince who has eyes for Mackenna and another who looks suspiciously like the boy from Veronica’s daydreams. But Doon has a dark underbelly as well. The two girls could have everything they’ve longed for… or they could end up breaking an enchantment and find themselves trapped in a world that has become a nightmare.

I don’t write a whole lot of reviews for books that I read “just” for fun. Most of the books I read are books I’m an official reviewer or influencer for. Now, I rarely offer to review/influence for books I wouldn’t read anyway, so I think it works out pretty well ;).

But earlier this year, I bought Doon for a birthday gift for my daughter’s friend. I’d not read it, but bought it on the recommendation of my dear friend, author, and NovelSista Jessica Keller. When I saw the Doon ebook on sale for 3.99, I splurged. She’d raved about it just. that. much. And then I read it. And then I bought the hardback copy, preordered the ecopy of book 2, Destined for Doon, and, erm, the hard copy. Cuz. Yeah. That good.

The story is based on the play? musical? Brigadoon (that I don’t know which it is should tell you how much I know about it 😉 – and just how necessary knowing anything about Brigadoon is). It’s Young Adult with a bit of… Narnia-esqueness to it. There is some magic and such, but nothing I wouldn’t let my kiddos read. The romance is probably more than I’d let my now 12yo read, but far less (I presume since I’ve not read them) than something like Twilight, etc. A bit more than say, Melanie Dickerson’s YA novels. The girls are 18 so…

I’m not sure I can put my finger on what I liked so much about it, but I did. The majority of the book takes place in the fictional country of Doon. It’s a curious mix of Medieval and nearly contemporary conveniences (say within the last hundred years or so, which is way modern compared to Medieval ;)).

I absolutely loved the relationship between the two girls. I also loved all three? four? of the romantic relationships that begin in Doon. Only Veronica and Jamie get their HEA (Happily Ever After) in Doon – but there’s more books coming ;).

The bad guy took me by surprise in more ways than one (something that’s generally hard to do) as did the ultimate solution to putting an end to the bad guy’s machinations. At least in this book. I’m still not quite sure if the bad guy is truly banished. In a series, you never know!

Who do I recommend this for? I’d say girls over 14 or 15. The readers’ guides say more like 7th grade, but I’m not sure I’d want my 7th grader reading it, but I tend to be pretty protective of romanticy stuff with her (and she’s really not that interested – and doesn’t question why I paperclip certain pages together in some books where the romance isn’t the main focus). Upper end of the age range? Anyone who’s still young at heart ;).

Be sure to check out the #Dooniverse at Did I mention said friend Jessica has already read book 2? If only I were close enough I could sneak over and read it while she’s at work… 😉 – especially since she’s already told me she liked it even more!

If you’ve read very many of my reviews, you know I rarely give scores of less than 7-7.5, but I also rarely give scores above a 9. I’m not sure I’ve ever given one above a 9.5 so…

Overall rating: 9.25 out of 10 (and I fully expect the others to go up – but since it left me hanging… ;))

Review: Stuck Together by Mary Connealy

Vince Yates earned the nickname “Invincible Vince” because of his reputation for letting absolutely nothing stop him. Not his tyrant of a father. Nor the injuries he suffered in the Civil War. Nor the fact that he is Broken Wheel’s only attorney and sheriff yet has no law degree.

But Vince is about to face his biggest challenge yet: his past has just caught up with him. His father, mother, and the sister he didn’t know he had show up in Broken Wheel without warning. His father is still a schemer. His mother is suffering signs of dementia. And his surprise sister immediately falls for one of Vince’s best friends. Vince has a lot of people to take care of, and Tina doesn’t approve of how he’s handling any of them. But with almost all the other men in town married off, Vince finds himself stuck with feisty Tina over and over again. Of course, Tina is the prettiest woman he’s ever seen, so if he could just get her to give up her causes, he might go ahead and propose. But he’s got one more surprise coming his way: Tina’s picketing at the saloon has revealed a dark secret that could put everyone Vince loves in danger.

Mary Connealy has long been a favorite of mine (starting about the time I won the Lassoed in Texas trilogy 3-in-1 on Seekerville about 3.5 years ago). I’ve read everything she’s written since then (I think… with the exception of that Mary Nealy book X Plagues… I have it though).

I’ve looked forward to Stuck Together for quite a while and she didn’t disappoint. Though not my mostest favorite of her books (that honor will likely always belong to Sharpshooter in Petticoats, though Mary recently said she wrote her funniest wedding scene ever so… we’ll see ;)), I did speed through Stuck Together quickly.

Vince is shocked when his parents arrive in town, not only with his ailing mother (some form of dementia) but a half-sister he never knew existed. A sister who is in her upper teens and tasked with taking care of his mother. Tina is trying to get the saloon closed down, a crusading teetotaler, who will stop at nothing, no matter the cost.

But as they both work to make the town a safer place, for Vince’s family and people in general, they find themselves drawn to each other and eventually, fall in love.

Filled with Mary’s trademark humor, Stuck Together is a great summer read. It can be read alone, but would work a bit better if you read it with the other two.

Mary is also sharing the story of how these four men, Regulators, came to be friends. It is not a romance and not a comedy, but Closer than Brothers is available on her blog.

Overall rating: 8.5 out of 10 stars

Thanks to the publisher and NetGalley for an ecopy in exchange for my honest review.

Review: A Place in his Heart by Rebecca DeMarino

Anglican Mary Langton longs to marry for love. Puritan Barnabas Horton is still in love with his deceased wife and needs only a mother for his two young sons. And yet these two very different people with very different expectations will take a leap of faith, wed, and then embark on a life-changing journey across the ocean to the Colonies. Along the way, each must learn to live in harmony, to wait on God, and to recognize true love where they least expect to find it.

This heartfelt tale of love and devotion is based on debut author Rebecca DeMarino’s own ancestors, who came to Long Island in the mid-1600s to establish a life–and a legacy–in the New World.


As with several other reviews recently, this one is tough to write.

I enjoyed the story as a whole but…


I wanted to slap Baranabas with a trout more than once.

Why a trout? Why not ;).

The couple marries while he’s still in love with his late wife. They both know this but also know that he needs the help with his young sons. I didn’t have a problem with any of that – or even that it takes him some time to realize he loves Mary [hey – it’s a romance, no spoiler there, right?]. But it took WAY longer than I expected. Not pages wise – that was about right – but years. The book covers nearly a decade and they spend most of that time married.

The adventures, in England, aboard the ship, and in the New World,  were all fascinating and based on Ms. DeMarino’s own ancestors. There’s little written record of the Hortons and most of what she writes is supposition and educated guesses [again no problem with any of that] but without a record of how long it too them to truly fall in love, it feels more than a bit… ugh inducing ;). The ending felt a bit rushed and I would have liked a few more pages.

All that said, I read it in just a few hours and did enjoy the historical aspects of the book. I don’t know if I’ll pick up Ms. DeMarino’s sophomore effort in the same series or not…

Overall rating: 7 out of 10 stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

Review: While Love Stirs by Lorna Seilstad

After graduating from Fannie Farmer’s School of Cookery in 1910, Charlotte Gregory is ready to stir things up. She is thrilled to have the opportunity to travel, lecture, and give cooking demonstrations on the very latest kitchen revolution–the gas stove–and certainly doesn’t mind that the gas company has hired the handsome Lewis Mathis to perform at her lectures. Lewis encourages her work, especially her crusade to introduce fresh, appetizing, nutritious food to those convalescing in hospitals. But young hospital superintendent Dr. Joel Brooks is not convinced any changes should be made–especially by this outspoken young woman.

When Charlotte and Joel are coerced into planning a fund-raising gala for the hospital, will this combustible pair explode?




Lorna Seilstad is definitely a fan favorite! So glad I had the chance to review the second book in this series! I loved the first one and the second one was no different.

Charlotte is a brilliant young woman who wants to be a chef – but a female chef? In the early 1900s? Not a chance. Instead, she ends up with a job demonstrating a gas oven/range in cities around Minnesota. When she’s home, she’s often at odds with Dr. Joel Brooks. Whether it’s over the care for her aunt when she has a bit of a health crisis or the food at the hospital, the two are like oil and vinegar. They just don’t mix.

Except they do mix. Very well. And despite their pasts, they find themselves drawn to each other. Until those insecurities from the past pop up in their present.

Lorna stirs up a delightful mixture of intrigue [Youngest sister Tessa has a secondary role and I can’t wait for her starring role in book 3!] at the theater and the house and on the road.

I do wish there had been a bit more explanation about the nurse. The explanation given was plausible but a bit… something. I thought there would be a bit… more? Something.

In the ends, big waffy sighs abound and I can’t for Tessa’s story!

Overall rating: 8.25 out of 10 stars

Thanks the publisher for a copy in exchange for my honest review.

Review: One More Last Chance by Cathleen Armstrong

Sarah Cooley has come home to Last Chance, New Mexico, for one reason–because it doesn’t change. After an engagement gone bad with a man who wanted to change everything about her, Sarah is more than ready for the town whose motto may as well be, “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.”

Chris Reed, on the other hand, wants nothing more than to spark some change in the little town. As the new owner of the Dip ‘n’ Dine, he’s shaking things up to draw folks from all over the Southwest into his restaurant.

As it turns out, the winds of change are blowing into Last Chance–just not in the ways that Sarah or Chris might expect.





This is the second book in the Place to Call Home series. Book 1, Welcome to Last Chance, was a quick read and fairly enjoyable. In that review, I mentioned that it felt short – and One More Last Chance felt the same. At 304 pages, it’s a full 80 pages shorter than Becky Wade’s Meant to Be Mine, 64 pages shorter than Melissa Tagg’s Here to Stay, and 48 pages shorter than Victoria Bylin’s Until I Found You. All three of those happen to be contemporary romances recently released by Bethany House while One More Last Chance is a Revell novel and it does seem more in line with the Revell releases [such as Janice Thompson’s Weddings by Design series – it’s 20-50 pages shorter than those].

As a “light snack” of reading it worked well. I read it in an evening while recuperating from strep throat. It wasn’t too deep where I had a hard time concentrating or had trouble remembering who was who.

I did think the thread with Sarah’s ex-boyfriend was a bit too… neatly wrapped up – I guess is the best way to put it.

I enjoyed Chris as he tried to update the diner as well as the secondary characters. I do look forward to book 3 as I was hoping that particular character would get an HEA of her own. I’m not sure when it comes out but I will be watching for it.

Overall rating: 7.5 out of 10 stars

Thanks to the publisher for a copy of the book in exchange for my honest review.
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