#NaNoWriMo2015: Day 1 or Too Many Clothes

Hey all! I haven’t been blogging regularly, shock I know. But I try to do two things every November – NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and NaBloPoMo (National Blog Posting Month). I’ve won NaNo lots. I’ve never won NaBloPoMo. See, the posts can’t be prewritten and scheduled. So sometimes, I get going in my day, writing along, or not writing because…life…and suddenly I’ve missed a day mid-month. So usually, I try to post after midnight so it counts for the next day.

But for the first time, I didn’t start NaNo at midnight. In fact, I was in bed by 1130 (which was really 1030 since we gained an hour). So this post comes at the END of day 1.

But I did get 2086 words in. I’m a bit conflicted, because I’m a NaNo purist. That means I think it should be 50K on a NEW manuscript. So this year, I’m “cheating” a bit and trying to finish Prince from her Past. I’m contemplating trying to write 1667 (the minimum to ‘win’) a day on a new project (a non-indie project, most likely) and then spend the rest of the day on Prince. We’ll see.

Speaking of NaNo…Winning the Queen’s Heart came out yesterday! It’s doing VERY well! And it was my NaNo novel a couple of years ago!

Okay. Now, I’m off to bed ;).

ETA: Forgot to add about the too many clothes :p. We went through dressers and closets in our room today. That took a while. Otherwise I would have started earlier. But I have fewer clothes now that I don’t wear anyway, so it’s all good ;).