Monday Musings: News, Notes and Nutiness – 1/3/11

Current Facebook Status: is glad Matt took today off :). Now to get some work done…
Currently Playing In the Background: Donkey Kong Wii

Yeah, I still don’t really like the ‘nutiness’ part of that title, but go with it…

And I don’t have much to post today.  Matt took today off instead of Friday which is nice.  I need to finish Word edits on my manuscript today.  Reread it tomorrow and email it off.

I also need to do laundry and assorted clean up, etc.

Today is also the first day that Andrea and I are doing our accountability partner thing.  Hopefully, that will go well :).  And since the holidays are about over, I’m hoping to chat with Jan more again.  I’ve talked to her like twice in the last several weeks :(.  I hate that.  Ready for life to calm down and get back to ‘normal’.

School starts tomorrow for the kiddos.  I’m sure getting up early will help with feeling like ‘normal’ ;).