Author Archives: Carol Moncado

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 29 or Ugh! I May Never Catch Up!

Busy day with the fam etc today. Not much writing :(. Here’s hoping for a better tomorrow… Like a 4k day tomorrow…

NaNoWriMo today: 758 [even less than yesterday :(]
NaNoWriMo total: 44024
NaNoWriMo deficit: 4319 [Yeah – dunno that I see that happening on Friday – sigh]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 2988 [at least it’s under 3K…]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/3/2013 [at least that didn’t change… Sigh]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 28 or Turkey Day Eve

Sigh. House. Cleaner. Turkey prepped. Etc. Words?



NaNoWriMo today: 788
NaNoWriMo total: 43266
NaNoWriMo deficit: 3410 [that’s what I need to write on Thursday to catch up – possible… but unlikely]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 2245 [up 12 words a day]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/3/2013 [a day later… sigh]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 27 or The Day Wherein I Still Didn’t Catch Up

We did get the basement mostly cleaned though and I did surpass the minimum daily count for generic NaNoers. I *almost* passed the amount *I* need to finish on time.


I will have to find more time to write tomorrow, though I don’t know when, not with all the Thanksgiving prep…

NaNoWriMo today: 1819
NaNoWriMo total: 42479
NaNoWriMo deficit: 2530 [that’s what I need to write on Wednesday to catch up – definitely possible and less than yesterday]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 1881 [up 12 words a day]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/2/2013 [unchanged… which is kinda nice]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 26 or ALMOST Caught Up

[This was supposed to post at midnight- oops]

If I had another thousand words in me today, I’d be caught up.

Today, as in Monday, 11/25 because it JUST NOW flipped to midnight.

But I don’t. Maybe by Tuesday night [which will be the 11/27 post] I will be.

I’m giving a test tomorrow so you never know…

NaNoWriMo today: 2575
NaNoWriMo total: 40659
NaNoWriMo deficit: 2683 [that’s what I need to write on Tuesday to catch up – definitely possible]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 1869 [so close!!!]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/2/2013 [It was 12/1 until it flipped over after midnight because I haven’t written anything for Tuesday yet :p]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 25 or Keep Hope Alive!

Not as much today as I would have hoped but it’s all good. Plus I got to IM with my good buddy, Ginger V. and Val C. and, probably most importantly, I got a new nickname for Laurie Tomlinson.

I *did not* [sadly] catch up to where I SHOULD be for NaNo, but I’m getting there – I was above my WPD count, so it’s all good. And I passed 38K!

NaNoWriMo today: 2271
NaNoWriMo total: 38084
NaNoWriMo deficit: 3591 [that’s a bit more]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 1986 [under 2K!!!]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/3/2013 [Only one day closer but I’ll take it!]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 24 or 10K DAY, BABY!

One of these days, I’m going to get a real blog post written again :p.

Until then…

NaNoWriMo today: 10270
NaNoWriMo total: 35813
NaNoWriMo deficit: 4195 [that’s down A LOT!!!]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 2027 [that’s down over 700 a day!!!]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/4/2013 [Again, ten days earlier than yesterday! Getting there! Tomorrow, it may be to NOVEMBER!]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 23 or “In The Zone”

Technically, it’s still yesterday. As in Friday, 11/22 and I already blogged today. So I’m going to write this then post it from my phone later ;).

I LOVE days when I get in the zone! A couple more like this [especially ones that start earlier in the day ;)] and I just might get this sucker done! 😀

At least to 50K by next Saturday anyway ;).

NaNoWriMo today: 5079
NaNoWriMo total: 25543
NaNoWriMo deficit: 12798 [that’s down a fair bit!!!]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 2718 [that’s down over 500 a day!!!]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/14/2013 [Ten days earlier than yesterday! Getting there!]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 22 or Passing 20K BABY!

So not going to get that post about Christopher’s surgery, but I did get some words in :).

NaNoWriMo today: 2023
NaNoWriMo total: 20464
NaNoWriMo deficit: 16210[that’s down some!!!]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 3282 [that’s up a bit more sigh]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/24/2013 [THAT’S BEFORE CHRISTMAS!!! WOOHOO!]

NaNoWriMo 2013: Day 21 or Six Years Since DS’s Surgery

More on the surgery tomorrow. Which will really be the post about today.

Today [that is to say, Wednesday, 11/20] was a very long day, though I did get some words in late. I’m off to bed now though.

NaNoWriMo today: 2091
NaNoWriMo total: 18441
NaNoWriMo deficit: 18071 [that’s up some :(]
NaNoWriMo WPD to finish on time: 3156 [that’s up a bit more sigh]
NaNoWriMo current anticipated finish date: 12/27/2013 [THAT’S THIS YEAR! WOOHOO!]

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